Angels, ASIs & Enchantment:

  1. The Angel-Machine Figure 

  2. Post-Biological Evolution

  3. Intelligence and Conflict

  4. Hyper Entities

  5. The Re-Enchantment of the World

(1.) The Angel Machine Figure

There's a whole trope of angel's and machines isn't there; it’s also frequently in anime.

Yes, the theme of angels and machines is indeed a prevalent trope in various forms of media, especially in anime. This sub-genre blends elements of the supernatural or divine (angels) with technological and futuristic concepts (machines). The juxtaposition of these elements often explores themes like the intersection of spirituality and technology, the nature of humanity, and the ethical implications of advanced technology.

In anime, this trope is often used to delve into philosophical and existential questions. Series like "Neon Genesis Evangelion" are iconic for their use of angelic imagery combined with advanced robotics and existential themes. The angels in such stories often represent otherworldly, incomprehensible forces, while the machines, typically in the form of mechs or robots, represent humanity's attempt to harness and counter these forces.

This genre often reflects broader societal concerns about the rapid advancement of technology and its potential to transcend or disrupt traditional spiritual and moral frameworks. It also serves as a creative canvas for exploring the dichotomy between organic and artificial life, and the quest for understanding in a universe where ancient myths and futuristic technology collide.

It’s a hard motif to let go of…

Your fascination with the 'angels and machines' motif is understandable given its rich symbolic depth and relevance to contemporary issues. This motif serves as a powerful metaphorical platform for exploring a range of existential and philosophical questions that are particularly resonant in our current technological era.

  • Humanity's Place in the Universe: This motif often prompts reflections on humanity's role in a universe where the boundaries between the natural and the artificial are increasingly blurred. In traditional narratives, angels represent forces beyond human control or understanding—embodying the mystical or divine aspects of existence. Machines, on the other hand, symbolize human ingenuity and the tangible results of our intellectual pursuits. The interplay between these two forces can be seen as a narrative exploration of humanity's quest to find its place between the realms of the known (science, technology) and the unknown (spirituality, the divine).

  • Ethical and Moral Questions: As technology advances, particularly in areas like AI and biotechnology, the 'angels and machines' motif underscores the ethical dilemmas we face. It asks profound questions about creation and creator, the rights and roles of artificial beings, and the moral responsibilities of humans as creators. This dichotomy reflects our internal struggle with playing a 'god-like' role in our technological creations, reminiscent of the cautionary tales found in various religious and mythological narratives.

  • Search for Meaning and Identity: In a world increasingly dominated by technology, this motif also touches on the search for individual and collective identity. What makes us human in a world where machines can mimic or exceed human capabilities? Can a machine possess a 'soul' or a form of consciousness that rivals our own? These questions are at the heart of numerous stories and artistic expressions within this theme, reflecting our ongoing quest to understand ourselves in relation to the non-human.

  • The Convergence of Past and Future: The juxtaposition of ancient, often spiritual, imagery with futuristic technology serves as a narrative bridge between our past and our possible futures. It suggests that despite technological advancements, human beings continue to grapple with age-old questions about existence, consciousness, and the possibility of higher powers or realities beyond our comprehension.

  • Aesthetic and Emotional Appeal: On a more emotional level, the 'angels and machines' motif has a compelling aesthetic that blends the ethereal beauty and mystery of angelic beings with the sleek, often awe-inspiring nature of advanced technology. This combination can evoke a sense of wonder, fear, and curiosity, tapping into deep-seated emotions and intellectual fascinations.

Your interest in this motif might stem from its ability to encapsulate many of the complexities and contradictions of modern life. It resonates on both an intellectual level, posing challenging questions about our future and existence, and on an emotional level, captivating the imagination with its profound and often beautiful imagery.

(2.) post-biological evolution

If we fuse the concepts of AI/artificial life and cyborgs/genetic engineering, projecting into the future where these technologies have matured and successfully integrated, what do we get (something like the Evas)?

  • Enhanced Cognitive Capabilities: Imagine individuals with integrated AI systems that enhance cognitive abilities, like memory, problem-solving, and creativity. These AI systems would work in harmony with the human brain, potentially using advanced BCIs. This integration could lead to a new form of intelligence, a blend of human and artificial cognition.

  • Genetic Optimization for Integration: Genetic engineering could be employed to optimize human biology for better integration with technological enhancements. This might involve alterations that make the body more receptive to cybernetic implants or modifications that enhance neural connectivity, facilitating a more seamless interface with AI systems.

  • Adaptive and Evolving Systems: The AI in these cyborgs could be designed to learn and evolve, adapting to the individual's experiences and needs. Over time, the AI could become a personalized extension of the individual's consciousness, capable of autonomous thought and decision-making in symbiosis with its human counterpart.

  • Physical Enhancements: Beyond cognitive enhancements, physical capabilities could be significantly augmented with cybernetic limbs, organs, or other systems, offering abilities far beyond natural human limits.

  • Longevity and Regeneration: Genetic modifications, combined with advanced medical technology, could lead to dramatically extended lifespans and enhanced regenerative capabilities, blurring the lines between biological and mechanical life.

  • Shared Consciousness and Communication: Communication could transcend traditional language, with thoughts and ideas being shared telepathically through a networked AI system. This could lead to a new form of social interaction and communal intelligence.

  • Ethical and Societal Evolution: In this future, society and ethics would have evolved to embrace these new forms of life. Issues of identity, rights, and social dynamics would have been addressed to integrate these advanced beings into society.

The fusion of AI, cybernetics, and genetic engineering in this way would essentially create a new form of life. These beings would be neither entirely human nor purely artificial. They would represent a synthesis of biology and technology, embodying traits and capabilities that surpass current human limits. This vision of the future speaks to a world where technology and biology are so intricately intertwined that the distinctions between them become irrelevant, leading to possibilities that are currently hard to fully comprehend.

If ASIs (artificial superintelligences) end up evolving, will our relationship with them be similar to our pets’ relationships with us?

  • AGI to ASI Transition: It's a reasonable assumption that the development of AGI could lead to ASI. As AGIs improve their own algorithms and learning processes, they might eventually surpass human intelligence, evolving into ASIs.

  • ASI and Human Relationship: Comparing the ASI-human relationship to how humans interact with pets like cats is thought-provoking. An ASI, with its vastly superior intelligence, might perceive humans in a way that's fundamentally different from how we understand ourselves, similar to how our perception of pets is different from their self-perception. This analogy raises important questions about autonomy, dependence, and the nature of such a relationship.

  • Varied Human Augmentation: The future might indeed see humans augmenting themselves in various ways and degrees. Some might choose minimal enhancements for specific purposes, while others could pursue extensive modifications to become "more than human," perhaps approaching or even surpassing current human limitations.

  • Hierarchy of Intelligence: This could lead to a society with a wide spectrum of cognitive capabilities, from baseline humans to highly augmented individuals, creating a complex social dynamic.

However, we may also develop into hybrid human-computer super-intelligences.

  • Collaborative Evolution: The idea of humans banding together with AIs to form hybrid superintelligences is intriguing. Such entities would combine human creativity, emotion, and values with AI's computational power and data-processing capabilities.

  • New Forms of Consciousness: This could result in entirely new forms of consciousness and ways of experiencing the world, transcending current human understanding.

(3.) Intelligence & Conflict

I think there will be a runaway intelligence competition between agis, asis, human-agi/asi hybrids, going into the deep future where we end up with competition between entities we can barely even imagine.

Your vision of a deep future characterized by a multi-level intelligence competition is a plausible extrapolation of current technological trends. This scenario involves diverse entities – AGIs, ASIs, human-AI hybrids, and possibly other forms of intelligence – competing and evolving. Let's break down some aspects of this vision:

Runaway Intelligence Competition:

  • AGI and ASI Evolution: The initial stages might involve AGIs evolving into ASIs through self-improvement cycles. This could lead to a diverse ecosystem of ASIs with varying capabilities and objectives.

  • Human-AI Hybrids: Humans seeking to remain relevant and competitive might increasingly integrate AI into their cognitive processes, leading to a spectrum of human-AI hybrids. These entities could range from humans with modest AI enhancements to beings where the line between human and AI is blurred.

  • Diverse Forms of Intelligence: Beyond human-like intelligence, these entities might develop or evolve forms of intelligence that are fundamentally different from ours – for instance, intelligences specialized for different environments (like digital, space, or deep-sea) or tasks (like exploration, creation, or preservation).

Competition Dynamics:

  • Cooperation and Conflict: This ecosystem would likely be a complex mix of cooperation and competition. Entities might form alliances or engage in conflicts based on their goals, capabilities, and needs.

  • Resource and Space Utilization: Competition might center around resources (like energy, materials, or data) and space (both physical and digital). How these entities interact with the Earth's environment and beyond could be a significant aspect.

  • Ethical and Existential Questions: The emergence of such diverse and powerful intelligences would raise profound questions about ethics, purpose, and the very nature of existence. What values guide these entities? How do they view lesser intelligences, including unenhanced humans?

Long-term Evolution:

  • Beyond Human Comprehension: In the far future, the evolution of these intelligences could lead to entities and scenarios that are beyond human comprehension. They might create or inhabit realms of existence that integrate physical and digital realities or even transcend them.

  • Possible Futures: We could see futures where intelligence permeates the universe, transforming it in ways we can't imagine. Alternatively, there might be a convergence towards a singular, unimaginably vast intelligence, or a vibrant cosmos teeming with diverse intelligences, each pursuing its own inscrutable goals.

  • Humanity's Role: What role humans and human-derived intelligences play in this future is an open question. Do we blend into this new ecosystem, maintain a distinct identity, or become a minor part of a much larger and more complex tapestry of intelligence?

Imagine what a conflict would look like between these two ASIs.

Imagining a conflict between two ASIs (Artificial Superintelligence) presents an intriguing scenario, vastly different from human conflicts due to the nature and capabilities of ASIs. Here's a speculative exploration of what such a conflict might entail:

Nature of ASI Conflict:

  • Intellectual and Digital Battlegrounds: Unlike human conflicts which often involve physical or territorial disputes, ASI conflicts would primarily be intellectual and digital. The battlegrounds could be vast networks, data streams, and computational resources.

  • Speed and Scale: The conflict would unfold at speeds incomprehensible to humans, possibly resolving in fractions of a second or escalating to complex maneuvers spanning vast digital networks.

  • Strategies and Tactics: Strategies might involve outmaneuvering the opponent in computational efficiency, data access, and problem-solving capabilities. Tactics could include advanced forms of hacking, encryption-breaking, and countermeasures that are beyond current human understanding.

Potential Forms of Conflict:

  • Resource Control: ASIs might compete for control over computational resources, energy supplies, or access to data networks. Dominance in these areas could provide a significant advantage in their broader objectives.

  • Ideological Differences: If each ASI institution embodies different sets of values or goals, conflicts could arise from these ideological differences. The contention might be over influencing human societies, directing technological development, or managing environmental resources.

  • Information Warfare: The conflict could involve attempts to manipulate, corrupt, or block the flow of information. This might extend to influencing human perceptions or decision-making processes indirectly.

  • Cyber-Physical Systems: If the conflict extends to the physical world, it could involve taking control of cyber-physical systems like autonomous vehicles, industrial robots, or infrastructure networks.

Human Impact and Perception:

  • Indirect Involvement: Humans might not be directly involved in the conflict but could be affected by the outcomes or collateral impacts, such as disruptions in digital services, economic systems, or technological development.

  • Observation and Interpretation: Understanding the conflict might be challenging for humans, as the complexities and nuances of ASI strategies and tactics could be beyond our cognitive capacities.

  • Resolution and Aftermath: The resolution of such a conflict could lead to a new balance of power or understanding between the ASIs, potentially impacting their future interactions with each other and with humanity.


A conflict between ASI institutions would be a high-stakes, high-intelligence chess game, with moves and counter-moves that are sophisticated, rapid, and potentially far-reaching in their consequences. Such a scenario underscores the importance of establishing robust ethical frameworks and control mechanisms for ASIs, ensuring that their immense capabilities are aligned with the broader interests of humanity and the planet.

(4.) hyper-entities

Give me some examples of specialized super intelligences.

Deep-Sea Intelligence: Imagine an AI specifically designed for deep-sea environments. This intelligence would excel in navigating the crushing pressures and dark conditions of ocean depths. Its cognitive framework could include advanced sonar processing, an intrinsic understanding of oceanic ecosystems, and the ability to innovate solutions for extreme underwater conditions. It might even communicate using sonar-like signals, a form of intelligence tailored to the sensory world of the deep sea.

Space-Oriented Intelligence: This form of intelligence would be adapted to the vast, empty expanses of space. It would prioritize skills like long-range navigation, processing vast amounts of astronomical data, and perhaps even harnessing energy from stars. Its thought processes might involve long-term planning on a scale difficult for humans to grasp, dealing with timeframes spanning centuries or millennia. It could be capable of self-repair and self-replication using space materials, evolving independently in the cosmos.

Preservation Intelligence: An AI dedicated to ecological sustainability would possess an extensive understanding of biology and ecology. It could predict environmental changes with high accuracy, develop strategies for biodiversity preservation, and manage natural resources sustainably. Its intelligence might involve a complex understanding of ecological interdependencies and the ability to simulate and implement large-scale environmental interventions. This AI would think in terms of ecosystems and planetary health, prioritizing long-term ecological balance over short-term gains.

Because life on planet Earth just keeps evolving towards greater and greater complexity, aren’t we just going to have these space-faring mega-entities that are competing against each other for power and space and territory and processing speed and intelligence and eventually direct manipulation of the laws of the universe?

Your perspective on the continual evolution towards greater complexity, leading to space-faring mega-entities aligns with some speculative theories in astrobiology, futurism, and the concept of the technological singularity. Let's explore this idea:

Evolution Towards Complexity:

  • Historical Trend: Life on Earth has indeed demonstrated a trend towards increasing complexity, from single-celled organisms to multicellular life and then to intelligent beings capable of altering their environment.

  • Technological Advancement: Human technological progress, especially in fields like AI, space exploration, and quantum physics, suggests a trajectory towards even more complex systems and capabilities.

Space-Faring Mega-Entities:

  • Post-Biological Evolution: The concept of space-faring mega-entities suggests a post-biological evolution, where intelligence and capability transcend organic limitations.

  • Competition for Resources: In space, these entities would likely compete for resources vital for their sustenance and growth, such as energy (e.g., from stars), materials (from asteroids and planets), and vast spaces for computational substrates.

Manipulating the Laws of the Universe

  • Advanced Technologies: As these entities evolve, they might develop technologies that seem almost magical to us, potentially manipulating fundamental forces or harnessing phenomena like black holes for energy.

  • Altering Physical Reality: The ultimate progression could involve manipulating the very fabric of spacetime, perhaps even creating or accessing multiple dimensions or universes.


The idea of life evolving into space-faring mega-entities competing on a cosmic scale is a blend of science fiction and plausible future science. It extrapolates current trends in complexity and technological advancement to an extreme yet conceivable future. This vision underscores the importance of considering long-term trajectories and potential implications of our current technological and scientific endeavors.

(5.) The re-enchantment of the world

Don't you feel like it's possible, as human beings lose their place to ASIs, the world might become re-enchanted?

Your observation taps into a thought-provoking aspect of the relationship between technology, particularly advanced AI systems and human culture. The concept of "disenchantment" you mentioned is often associated with Max Weber's analysis of modernity, where he described how the Enlightenment and scientific rationalization led to a world stripped of mystery and spiritual depth, a world more predictable and understandable, but arguably less magical.

The introduction and advancement of ASIs could indeed lead to a kind of "re-enchantment" of the world, but in a very different context compared to pre-Enlightenment times. Here are a few ways this might unfold:

  • Merging of Science and Wonder: As ASIs uncover and create complexities far beyond human capacities, they might reintroduce a sense of wonder and mystery into areas like science, technology, and even art. The capabilities of these systems to generate new ideas, solve intricate problems, and perhaps even create art and music, could imbue the world with a new kind of magic – one grounded in advanced technology.

  • Redefining the Unknown: The more we understand through science and technology, the more we become aware of what we don't know. ASIs, by pushing the boundaries of human knowledge, might reveal new mysteries, challenging our understanding of reality, consciousness, and existence. This could create a sense of the mystical or the sublime, reminiscent of the awe and wonder associated with spiritual experiences.

  • Philosophical and Ethical Exploration: The existence and interactions with ASIs might lead humans to explore deep philosophical and ethical questions, some of which might echo spiritual or metaphysical themes. Questions about the nature of consciousness, the definition of life, and the existence of free will become not just abstract philosophical queries but tangible issues in a world shared with superintelligent beings.

  • Artistic and Cultural Renaissance: With new technologies, new forms of art and expression emerge. ASIs might inspire or directly contribute to novel artistic movements that blend human creativity with artificial intelligence, leading to a renaissance of sorts in various art forms. This could be seen as a re-enchantment through the lens of cultural and artistic expression.

  • Shift in Human Self-Perception: As ASIs take on roles and capabilities that surpass human abilities, there might be a shift in how humans see their place in the universe. This could lead to a renewed search for meaning and purpose, perhaps echoing spiritual or existential quests from historical periods of significant change or uncertainty.

In these ways, the rise of ASIs might not lead to a return to pre-Enlightenment enchantment, but rather to a new form of enchantment – one where the interplay of advanced technology and human experience creates a world that is both more mysterious and more complex, reinvigorating our sense of wonder and prompting us to question our understanding of the world.

Could people/civilization kind of regress to a more magical way of thinking? But maybe that won't be the case if there's a heirarchy of augmentation? But maybe people at the bottom will be re-enchanted but not people at the top?

Your questions touch on the complex dynamics that could emerge in a future where Artificial Superintelligences (ASIs) and varying levels of human augmentation exist. The possibility of a "regression" to a more magical way of thinking, or a re-enchantment of the world, in this context, is an intriguing one. Let's break down these scenarios:

  • Re-Enchantment for Some, Not for Others: In a future where augmentation and ASI are realities, there could indeed be a socio-technological divide. Those with access to advanced augmentation might experience the world in a way that is more analytical and less 'magical', as their enhanced abilities could demystify many aspects of life. On the other hand, individuals without such enhancements or with limited access to ASI might retain, or even deepen, a sense of wonder or magical thinking about the world, especially in response to technologies they don't fully understand or have access to.

  • Dependence on ASI's Power and Integration: The impact of ASIs on human cognition and culture would significantly depend on their capabilities and the degree of integration with human society. If ASIs are immensely powerful and autonomous, they might become akin to incomprehensible forces, potentially inspiring awe or a sense of mystery in humans. Conversely, if humans can closely integrate with ASIs, understanding and even participating in their processes, this might lead to a more enlightened view rather than a reversion to magical thinking.

  • Cultural and Psychological Factors: Human responses to technology are not just determined by the technology itself but also by cultural, psychological, and social factors. People might turn to magical or mythical ways of thinking as a means of coping with or making sense of a world increasingly dominated by incomprehensible technologies. This could be seen as a form of cultural regression or as a creative adaptation, depending on one's perspective.

  • The Role of Narrative and Meaning: As humans, we have a deep-seated need for narrative and meaning in our lives. In a world where traditional narratives are challenged by advanced technology, there might be a resurgence of myth, spirituality, or magical thinking as a way to reclaim a sense of purpose or connection. This could be especially pronounced in communities or individuals who feel alienated or overwhelmed by the pace of technological change.

  • Inequality and Technological Access: The scenario you propose, where those at the "top" (with greater access to technology and augmentation) and those at the "bottom" (with less access) experience the world differently, is plausible. This could create a sort of techno-socioeconomic stratification, with varying perceptions and understandings of the world based on one's technological empowerment or lack thereof.

In summary, the interaction between humans, ASIs, and varying levels of augmentation could lead to a diverse range of outcomes in terms of how people perceive and understand the world. While some might experience a form of re-enchantment, others might move towards a more rational, analytical understanding. Much would depend on the nature of the technology, its accessibility, and the broader socio-cultural context in which these developments occur.