three realms in unreal

These are the studios first three piece in unreal engine.


Malkuth is an art game where players are spawned into a far future world and have a brief five minutes to decode and comprehend the mystery that the world represents. The mechanism is simple. Large towers are inscribed with a divine message that the player must read and interpret. Furthermore, mechanical angels eventually descend from the sky and increase the difficulty of reading the text; however, they are a phenomena that crucially helps the player understand the meaning of the text. When the angels spawn, the player will be chased, and the scene will shift from day to night. The player will engage in a kind of "chase-dance" with the angels. At the five minute mark, the experience will end, and the player will be overwhelmed by them. You can download the game here.


Netzach is an art game where players are spawned into a far future world and have a brief five minutes to decode and comprehend the mystery that the world represents. Again, the mechanism is simple. The ground is inscribed with a poem describing the meaning of “Netzach”; the player must read and interpret this inscription. Furthermore, mechanical angels stalk the player and build the City of Netzach (the city of machines) around the player while the player leaps through the space. There’s no specific goal. The player can explore the warrens of the machine city. The player could try to orchestrate the machines into some kind of configuration. Or, the player can try to climb the machine city (often a worthy pursuit, and goal). All of these different pathways further reveal the meaning of this machine world. At the five minute mark, the title screen will rise, and the player will be overwhelmed by the angels (and their sounds). You can download the game here.

Chesed: from love, many worlds

1: In one world, the light of floating cities is used to grow crops that are harvested by the city itself, which is also a machine.

2: In one world, candles were the only source of light, and they only provided a very small amount of light.

3: In one world, only one person had a head. That person was considered very special and was treated with great respect. Other people wanted to know what it was like to have a head, and would ask that person all sorts of questions. The person with the head was able to see and hear everything that was going on, while everyone else was blind and deaf. That person had a great advantage over everyone else.

4: In one world, people would glide through the night like fireflies on gentle machines. These ethereal machines are powered by the very light that they emit, and are said to be able to travel for miles without ever needing to refuel.

5: In one world, death is seen as a commodity to be traded and sold, and as such, life is often not worth living. The main producers of value in this world are those who can provide the most death, whether through murder, war, or natural disasters.

Chesed is an art game where your consciousness has been resurrected in the far future into a spaceship run by machine (?) beings. You are tasked with visiting the different oracles in the space, in order to learn more about the different worlds that the spaceship has created on its travels. The player is also given a drone that controls a fleet of construction robots; the player can use this drone to build bridges throughout the space, reaching oracles that would otherwise be inaccessible. Over the course of a playthrough, the player leaves a highly complex sequences of bridges throughout the space, which ultimately helps the spaceship to create the next world. If you’d like to cheat ;p the full text is available here.