Novascene Hekhalot

audio visual jewish futurist set

3.5/5ths Complete, Novascene Hekhalot is an experimental unreal engine opera based on the book by James Lovelock dealing with the transition in geologic epochs from the human world (anthropocene) to the world of intelligent machines (novascene), but through the lens of Jewish Merkahab Mysticism, whereinwhich the sages would imagine the palaces of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

5. world / the palace builders (work in progress)

Audiovisual set, referencing the angels that are building god’s palace inside VR (that the humans will eventually be allowed to reinhabit).

4. Ophanim Gate

Audiovisual set, referencing humankind’s migration into a digital environment, and their encounter with spiritual entities therein.

3. Power (Medea hypothesis)

2. The Golem of San Francisco

Audiovisual set, referencing the original creation of the golem as a creature with apocalyptic potential in Jewish mythology, but which ultimately emerges as a force for enormous care and gentleness in a far future scenario.

1. Hekhalot, Eternal City

Audiovisual set on the theme of a cybernetic city, and cybernetic nature, in far flung outer space colonies.