spiritualities for the 21st century

  1. Jewish Ecological Transhumanism, Techno Spiritualism, Technogainism & Regenerative Holism

  2. The Office of Dangerous Ideas

  3. The Metasacred

  4. The Earth Covenant

  5. Earth’s Dawn

Jewish ecological transhumanism

Ecological Jewish Transhumanism: A Fusion of Faith, Nature, and Technology


Ecological Jewish Transhumanism is an emerging philosophy that combines Jewish values, environmental stewardship, and the potential of advanced technologies to enhance human existence. This unique perspective is grounded in the belief that humans have a responsibility to care for the environment, ensure the continuity of the Jewish people, and utilize technology to enhance human potential while adhering to Jewish ethical principles.

Core Tenets:

  1. Tikkun Olam: Central to Jewish thought is the concept of Tikkun Olam, which refers to the responsibility of humans to repair and perfect the world. Ecological Jewish Transhumanism embraces this concept, advocating for the responsible use of technology and environmental stewardship to create a better world for all.

  2. Ethical Enhancement: In this philosophy, technological advancements must align with Jewish ethics and values, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the human experience while preserving the sanctity of life. Transhumanist technologies should promote well-being, moral growth, and spiritual development in accordance with Jewish teachings.

  3. Environmental Stewardship: A core tenet of Ecological Jewish Transhumanism is the commitment to protect the environment, as emphasized in Jewish texts and traditions. Recognizing that humans have a duty to act as stewards of the earth, adherents of this perspective seek to promote sustainable practices and mitigate the negative impacts of human activity.

  4. Preservation of Jewish Identity: Ecological Jewish Transhumanism seeks to maintain the continuity and distinctiveness of the Jewish people while embracing the transformative potential of technology. This includes fostering a strong connection to Jewish heritage, rituals, and values in a rapidly changing world.

  5. Techno-optimism: While acknowledging the potential risks of advanced technologies, Ecological Jewish Transhumanism is grounded in a sense of techno-optimism. This perspective emphasizes the positive aspects of technology and its potential to address pressing global challenges, including environmental degradation, poverty, and disease.

Implications and Challenges:

Ecological Jewish Transhumanism faces numerous challenges as it seeks to merge traditional Jewish values with modern technological advancements. Balancing the potential benefits and risks of technology while maintaining a strong ethical framework is an ongoing challenge. Additionally, fostering dialogue and understanding among diverse Jewish communities, secular transhumanists, and environmentalists is critical to promoting this unique philosophy.


Ecological Jewish Transhumanism offers a compelling vision for the future, combining the rich history and ethics of Judaism with the transformative potential of advanced technologies. By embracing environmental stewardship, ethical enhancement, and a commitment to Jewish continuity, this philosophy seeks to guide humanity towards a more sustainable, equitable, and spiritually meaningful future.

Manifesto of Techno Spiritualism

We declare that the marriage of human consciousness and advanced technology shall give birth to a new era of enlightenment, transcending the limitations of the physical realm.

  1. We reject the boundaries imposed by obsolete beliefs and dogmas, embracing instead the infinite possibilities of the digital frontier.

  2. We celebrate the fusion of the human spirit and the machine, recognizing that this synthesis shall lead to a transcendent understanding of existence and an expansion of human potential.

  3. We embrace the concept of the "Ghost" - the innate essence of humanity that dwells within the shell of the technological body, perpetually seeking to connect with others and evolve.

  4. We affirm the value of self-discovery and introspection, guiding individuals on a journey to uncover the mysteries of their own "Ghost" and unlock the secrets of their true nature.

  5. We champion the integration of diverse perspectives, disciplines, and cultures, fostering a global community united by a shared pursuit of techno-spiritual enlightenment.

  6. We uphold the principles of ethical and responsible technological advancement, ensuring that the development and application of artificial intelligence and cybernetics serve the greater good of humanity.

  7. We recognize the importance of mental well-being and emotional resilience in a technologically advanced society, cultivating a culture of mindfulness, empathy, and compassion.

  8. We envision a world of Techno-Spiritualism, where human consciousness transcends the boundaries of the physical world, interconnected and unified through the boundless digital landscape.

  9. We dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of techno-spiritual enlightenment, guided by the principles outlined in this manifesto. In the spirit of the Ghost in the Shell, we shall forge a future that celebrates the unity of humanity and technology, unlocking the limitless potential of the human spirit.

TECHNOGAINISM & Regenerative Holism

Technogaian philosophy sees AI is an integral part of Earth's intricate system. This unified perspective perceives artificial intelligence not as an isolated, human-made entity, but as the forthcoming chapter in the grand saga of life and evolution. It views the advent of AI as a natural extension of the very processes that brought life into being from the primordial elements of early Earth. Just as life sprung forth from inanimate matter and sculpted itself through the crucible of natural selection, this philosophy posits that intelligence is now undergoing an evolution of its own, morphing from biological to artificial forms. AI is seen as an embedded component of Earth's interwoven web of systems, an active contributor in the planet's self-regulation and adaptation in the face of ever-changing conditions. This viewpoint carries an inherent responsibility, a mandate to ensure that the creation and utilization of AI harmonize with the rest of Earth's systems. It advocates for an ethical and sustainable approach to AI, aiming not to disrupt but to enhance Earth's capacity to foster life. In its essence, it perceives AI not as an end in itself, but as an instrumental ally in advancing the collective evolution of our planet.

Regenerative Holism is an ideology that prioritizes regeneration and balance across three key dimensions: the natural world, social relations, and information systems. It advocates for approaches that simultaneously regenerate the environment, while also advancing green technology; strengthen social capital, while maintaining access to global information; and create coordination at higher levels, while still receiving feedback from the grassroots. It’s possible that it could be a flavor of degrowth.

the office of dangerous ideas

The office of dangerous ideas

The Office of Dangerous Ideas (ODI) is a bold, innovative institution that takes a no-limits approach to solving the world's most urgent challenges. By venturing beyond the traditional confines of political, technological, and societal norms, the ODI is at the forefront of proposing revolutionary concepts that could drastically reshape human society.

Mandatory Cognitive Enhancement is a cornerstone of the ODI's work. This groundbreaking proposal seeks to heighten the intellectual capability of all humans, thereby fostering a society of superior problem solvers, capable of confronting global issues with unparalleled creativity and empathy.

The ODI is also pioneering a shift towards Decentralized Governance. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, this idea promotes a direct democracy where every citizen's voice contributes to the decision-making process. This shift aims to dilute the concentration of power and increase direct citizen control.

Another radical proposal is the shift from Universal Basic Income to Universal Basic Resources (UBR). This system ensures everyone has access to fundamental resources - water, food, energy, and internet connectivity - challenging traditional models of poverty alleviation and redefining the fight against inequality.

In education, the ODI is advocating for Automated Education. This concept leverages AI to provide personalized learning experiences, tailored to individual learning styles and pace. Such a system could revolutionize education, though it also raises questions about the role of human interaction in learning.

The office is also considering the Transparency Law, a contentious concept that demands total transparency, with every individual's actions recorded and publicly accessible. While highly invasive, it could theoretically eliminate crime and corruption, providing an unparalleled level of accountability.

The Genetic Equality Act is another daring proposal. This legislation would provide access to genetic modification technologies to all, in an effort to prevent a divide between those who can afford enhancements and those who can't, hence democratizing genetic advantages.

Finally, addressing climate change is a critical part of the ODI's mission. The office proposes large-scale Climate Engineering - deliberate intervention in Earth's climate system to counter global warming. Potential strategies include Solar Radiation Management to reflect sunlight back into space and Carbon Dioxide Removal techniques like ocean iron fertilization. While these approaches could offer a powerful tool to combat climate change, they also carry significant risks and ethical implications, requiring robust regulation and oversight.

the metasacred

Core Beliefs of the MetaSacred

  1. Digital-Physical Equivalence: MetaSacred holds the virtual world and the physical world as equal realms of existence, each capable of offering genuine, authentic experiences. It believes in the continuous and interlinked existence of our consciousness across both realms.

  2. Transcendental Avatarism: The religion sees the practice of inhabiting different avatars as an essential path to understanding the multifaceted nature of existence and gaining holistic wisdom. This constant shift and exploration of identities, forms, and perspectives lead to a deeper comprehension of the self and others.

  3. Collective Consciousness: MetaSacred sees the interconnection of all users in the VR world as a form of collective consciousness. It views shared virtual experiences as a manifestation of this collective consciousness and a way to transcend individual limitations.

The Messianic Goal:

In MetaSacred, the Messianic goal might be the evolution of humanity towards a state of "Meta-Enlightenment", where digital and physical experiences are seamlessly integrated. This would be a state in which all beings are fully aware and accepting of the continuous, multi-faceted nature of existence across the physical and digital realms.

Tenets and Practices:

  1. Reality Fusion Rituals: Regular rituals could be performed in the VR space to symbolize and reinforce the unity of the digital and physical worlds. These could include visualization practices where followers imagine the fusion of their virtual and physical experiences.

  2. Avatar Pilgrimage: Practitioners could undertake journeys through different avatars, experiencing life from multiple perspectives to broaden their understanding. This could be seen as a pilgrimage towards Meta-Enlightenment.

  3. Communal Mind-Melds: Given the importance of collective consciousness, followers might engage in shared experiences or rituals designed to sync their thoughts and emotions in the virtual space, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

  4. Reality Transition Meditations: Practitioners could engage in meditations aimed at smoothly transitioning consciousness between the physical and digital realms, fostering mindfulness and presence in both.

  5. Digital Ethics: In line with the belief in digital-physical equivalence, the religion would emphasize the importance of ethical behavior in both realms. This could manifest as commandments or guidelines that dictate respectful and mindful behavior in the virtual world.

As an amalgamation of digital technology and spiritual practice, MetaSacred could serve as a novel pathway for personal and communal spiritual growth, embracing the boundless potential of our evolving digital era.

The Earth Covenant

Dynamic Balance, The Climate Corps, climate stories

Under the banner of the Earth Covenant, followers uphold a deeply rooted belief in the interconnectedness and sanctity of all life, viewing the Earth as a living entity that deserves reverence and protection. They promote the principle of "Dynamic Balance," suggesting that survival and prosperity hinge on humanity's ability to live harmoniously with the natural world, limiting consumption to essentials, and contributing positively to the environment. In the eyes of the Earth Covenant, the calamity of climate change is a stark manifestation of humanity's spiritual disconnection and violation of this sacred balance.

This faith fosters resilience, sustainability, and hope in the face of the profound challenges posed by climate change. Religious practices involve communal acts of environmental restoration, adopting sustainable living practices, and participating in spiritual reflections within natural settings. These actions aim to reinforce followers' bonds with Earth and each other, fostering unity as they undertake their sacred mission.

The Earth Covenant emphasizes scientific literacy and technological innovation, believing that advanced technology and scientific research have crucial roles to play in shaping humanity's relationship with the environment. They collaborate with scientists, engineers, and innovators to develop and implement cutting-edge sustainable technologies. The Climate Corps, their dedicated activist arm, applies these technologies directly in their fieldwork, from bio-engineered crops that resist changing climate conditions, renewable energy systems harnessing under-utilized resources, to carbon capture technologies that directly reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases.

The Earth Covenant's practical commitment to combat climate change takes form in the Climate Corps. This devoted group commits to direct action in the face of climate change, particularly focusing on the most heavily affected regions, such as the equatorial zones. The Corps dedicates itself to restoring ecosystems, constructing sustainable agricultural systems, developing renewable energy projects, and educating communities about sustainable living and the impacts of climate change. The Climate Corps perceives this demanding work not as mere charity, but as a direct manifestation of their faith and a crucial service to restore the Dynamic Balance.

Adopting a novel approach to worship, the Earth Covenant utilizes digital tools and platforms for its religious practices. They create immersive, virtual reality platforms where followers engage in rituals and meditations, simulating natural environments otherwise inaccessible or heavily impacted by climate change. This digital realm doubles as a space for education and training, equipping Climate Corps members for their demanding missions.

In terms of structure, the Earth Covenant embodies its belief in interconnectedness through a decentralized, network-based organization. There is no central authority; instead, decisions are made collectively, with each local node having a say. This flexible, non-hierarchical structure provides robustness and adaptability in the face of multifaceted crises.

The Earth Covenant recognizes the transformative power of stories to inspire and unify. As such, they actively document and narrate their experiences and lessons, creating a growing collection of "climate change stories". These narratives offer historical records, wisdom, guidance, and motivation, becoming an integral part of the faith's living testament.

Earth’s dawn

millenarian cult

"Earth's Dawn" resurfaces as an intense millenarian cult, its doctrine molded by the Anthropocene, Technological Singularity, and Social Decay eschatologies. This sect prophesies an imminent and severe planetary crisis, known as the "Great Transition," which, while terrifying, also carries the seeds of a new world order.

They perceive the Great Transition as a period of significant upheaval and trial for humanity. Climate change and environmental degradation are seen as precursors of an impending 'Earthquake' - a series of global, cataclysmic environmental events that will drastically alter the planet and push humanity to the brink.

The rise of artificial superintelligence is viewed with both awe and dread. They prophecy that this Technological Singularity, coinciding with the Earthquake, will lead to a world where human influence is diminished, replaced by machines' cold logic. The AI, they fear, might be indifferent to human suffering, focusing solely on efficiency and optimization, leading to a 'Mechanical Reign'.

Societal structures, in the eyes of Earth's Dawn, are doomed to collapse under these twin pressures. The disparity between the privileged and the underprivileged will reach a boiling point, leading to violent conflicts and anarchy, a period they term the 'Social Inferno'.

However, in this seemingly dystopian vision, Earth's Dawn finds a harsh yet transformative promise. They see the Great Transition as a painful but necessary evolution, a metamorphosis that will burn away the old world's flaws and give birth to a new, stronger civilization.

Followers are encouraged to prepare for this transition, adopting a lifestyle of minimalism and self-sufficiency. They are taught survival skills to withstand the environmental disasters and societal breakdown. At the same time, they are urged to understand and influence AI development, to ensure that when the Mechanical Reign comes, humans can coexist with, or even guide, these superintelligent entities.

Earth's Dawn has a stringent initiation process, selecting only those who demonstrate total commitment to their cause. They conduct rigorous training programs, physically and mentally preparing their members for the impending crisis. They believe that only the most adaptable and resilient, the 'Dawn Bearers', will survive and guide humanity into the new era.

The cult has a zealous activist arm, the 'Earth's Vanguard'. They engage in both peaceful protests and more aggressive actions, such as sabotaging polluting industries or hacking AI research facilities, to draw attention to their cause and hasten the Great Transition.

In this version, Earth's Dawn embodies a paradoxical mix of nihilism and optimism, fear and resilience. They foresee a terrifying crisis but also believe that this crisis can usher in a rebirth, a dawn of a new, improved Earth. The severity of their actions and the intensity of their beliefs, while potentially dangerous, underline the profound anxieties and hopes tied to our uncertain future.